21 de setembro de 2008


Gente, desculpem pelo post em inglês... mas eu precisava fazer isso, uma vez que todas as músicas dos mixes novos das aulas da Body Systems vieram com os artistas genéricos cantando... e ninguém merece, com o preço que a gente paga pra eles todos os anos (mais a galera que faz treinamento) e ainda mais o que os alunos pagam pra ir nos workshops, o mínimo que eles deviam fazer era pagar os direitos dos artistas mais famosos, no mínimo. Então, copiando e adaptando a la Airborne o diálogo do Sr. Incrível com a Edna Mode (estilista no filme dos Incríveis), primeiro o diálogo original, depois o diálogo se a Body Systems fosse pedir opinião sobre as músicas.

Mr. Incredible meets Edna Mode:

E.M.: You need a new suit. That much is certain.
Mr.I.: .A new suit? Where the heck am I gonna get a new suit?
E.M.: You can’t! It’s impossible! I’m far too busy. So ask me now, before I again become sane.
Mr.I.: Wait. You want to make me a suit?
E.M.: You push too hard, darling! But I accept. It will be bold. Dramatic!
Mr.I.: Yeah!
E.M.: Heroic!
Mr.I.: Yeah, something classic, like Dynaguy. He had a great look. Oh, the cape and the boots…
E.M.: No capes!
Mr.I.: Isn’t that my decision?
E.M.: Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers. Nice man. Good with kids.
Mr.I.: Listen, E…
E.M.: November 15th of ’58. All was well, another day saved when his cape snagged on a missile fin.
Mr.I.: Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb…
E.M.: Stratogale! April 23rd, ’57. Cape caught in a jet turbine.
Mr.I.: E., you can’t generalize about these things.
E.M.: Meta-Man. Express elevator. Dynaguy, snag on takeoff. Splashdown, sucked into a vortex. No capes!

Body Systems meets Edna Mode:

E.M.: You need to pay the real artist. That much is certain.
B.S.: The real artist? How the heck am I gonna pay the real artist?
E.M.: You can’t! It’s impossible! It’s far too expensive. So ask me now, before I again become sane.
B.S.: Wait. You want to get me the real artist?
E.M.: You push too hard, darling! But I accept. It will be fantastic. The real voice!
B.S.: Yeah!
E.M.: The best mix ever!
B.S.: Yeah, something classic, like Body Jam 39. Every song was original, except for Justin. Oh, and we found a generic…
E.M.: No generics!
B.S.: Isn’t that my decision?
E.M.: Do you remember Balance 27? Great songs, very emotional. Nice mix. Great balance track.
B.S.: Listen, E…
E.M.: December 1st of ’04. Aguilera’s “The Voice Within” had a powerful vocal, when you put a generic which sounded like a 2 year-old child.
B.S.: Balance 27 was not the best reference…
E.M.: Pump 54! June 15th, ’05. Gwen Stefani’s “What You Waiting For” sounded like an old lady in the bathroom doing number 2.
B.S.: E., you can’t generalize about these things.
E.M.: Combat 28. Kelly Clarkson sounded more like Kelly Key. Jam 34. J.Lo, voice of a cleaning lady. Attack 52, James Blunt “You’re Beautiful” was the ugliest thing ever. No generics!

Por mim a Body Systems podia parar de contratar a Solange do Big Brother pra cantar... porque voz ruim a gente até consegue encarar, mas pronúncia errada já é abusar da amizade...

1 pessoas também acharam digno:

O Menino que Voa disse...

DELICIOSA transliteração. Voce poderia ser do Casseta.... hauahuauha